6 Week Summer Challenge Winner (2019)

Evelyn lost 16 lbs and 6% body fat in 6 Weeks. Evelyn drives 25 miles a day to come to ALIO Fitness Club!

5 Week Fall Challenge Winner (2019)

Heather moved from Arizona and jumped on the ALIO wagon immediately. She joined the ALIO Challenge and lost 23 lbs & 3.5% body fat in only 5 weeks!

6 Week Summer Challenge Winner (2018)

Kristy is over 60 years old and came to us with chronic conditions. She entered the 6 Week Challenge and lost 16 lbs and 5% body fat! Her goal was to fit in her bridesmaids dress from her sisters wedding 40 years ago! She did it!!

9 Month Journey

Juan started his fitness journey with us on February 2018. On December 1st Juan weighed in for a total loss of 106 lbs!

6 Week Spring Challenge Winner (2020)

Dedra lost 17 lbs in a short span of 6 weeks! She was committed to her nutrition plan. She drives 30 miles every day to come to ALIO!

6 Week Spring Challenge Winner (2018)

Homero lost a whopping 31 lbs in 6 weeks! He currently still holds the record for the most weight loss in a challenge!

5 Week Fall Challenge Winner (2022)

Calyx lost a total of 15 lbs and 4% body fat in a short 5 weeks! She was excited to also hear she lost a total of 15 inches all around!

12 Solid Weeks

Tina burned off an insane 12% body fat and dropped 27 lbs. in 12 weeks! She stayed completely committed to both her nutrition plan & training program at ALIO.

6 Week Fall Summer Winner (2021)

Amy struggled with her fitness goals the first 6 months with ALIO. Her job required her to travel almost every other week and she just could not stay disciplined during her travels. After having a pep talk with her trainers at ALIO, Amy did a complete 180 degrees and never looked back! Amy lost 50 lbs after that chat in a matter of a year. What she is most excited about is losing 7 dress sizes!


Let’s chat about your goals!